Maths Games in Infant End
We have been celebrating Early Numeracy Week in the Infant end of the school this week. This weeks theme was Sequence and Pattern. Thanks to all the parents for visiting their childs class to play maths games!
We have been celebrating Early Numeracy Week in the Infant end of the school this week. This weeks theme was Sequence and Pattern. Thanks to all the parents for visiting their childs class to play maths games!
There was a Halloween theme to our music lesson this week! We danced like ghosts and witches and played the beat of Thriller with percussion instruments! http://Arrayhttp://Arrayhttp://Array
We had a lovely morning in St Annes Park this morning. We had a nature trail and saw lots of signs of Autumn that we have been learning about in school. We had a chance to play in the great playground there before we returned to school!
Senior Infant Girls had a super visit to the library today. We met Ruth there who read us a story about a boy who liked to eat books. We all got our own library card and got to pick our own book to take out and bring home. We went on a treasure hunt around …
Senior Infant Girls are so excited to have Alison visit our class to deliver the ‘Routes of Empathy’ course. Baby Rory will be visiting our class along with his mother Claire over this school year. Today was their first day to meet baby Rory and there was great excitement.
We are so delighted to have Ruth back with us for the Reader in Residence Programme each Friday. At the moment Ruth is reading to the Senior Infant girls but will have the opportunity to work with other class groups as the year progresses!
Senior Infant Girls have been really enjoying Aistear since we started it a few weeks ago. It runs three days a week at the moment and the children are divided up into three groups and spend a session in each area- Play Doh, Junk Art and Construction. The children have to plan their play activity …
Catherine from Magic of Music is back in the school teaching music to the children. Here is a short video of our Senior Infant children enjoying the music. http://Array